I know it is not the prettiest beach but it is a fun, quick, and cheap! Shawn and I decided on Sat. afternoon that Galveston sounded like a great getaway, so we left Allen at 6:00 and pulled onto the causeway at 10:30. We spent Saturday morning at the beach and then hung out around Galveston that afternoon. We had a blast riding bikes, feeding the seagulls, shopping, and of course, eating great seafood. We went back to the beach on Monday morning and stayed most of the day before heading back home. It was a quick but fun trip!!!

Seth after a long weekend. He slept for 3 hours on the way home.

Seth loved to sit in the water and throw the mud and shells.

Taking a break and sneaking a sip of daddy's drink.

Sand is so much fun!

Seth thought he was such a big boy shooting the water gun with daddy.

Seth loved the outside of the Rainforest Cafe but did not like the inside at all! He was scared of the costume frog.

My handsome boy!!

Seth kept seeing these bikes and would yell "Bike, Bike" so we had to rent one and go for a ride. It would start raining about 10 minutes after we started!!

Seth loved feeding the seagulls but couldn't understand why they would run off when he chased them.

Seth and Daddy relaxing at the beach.

Seth had so much fun at the beach!!!