Seth's day today was filled with fun Halloween activities at school. I am so lucky to work at the same school as him. I got to pop in on all the fun!

All the kids dressed up in there Halloween costumes to go to school. Seth dressed up like a bull rider.

He was very excited to get to his class.

In the morning, the kids came into the "big school" to do a little trick or treating.

Waiting in line to get candy. Seth would never be this patient if he was at home. :)

Seth's class came trick or treating in my classroom. My kids gave the little kids a pencil and candy. My 5 year olds thought they were big stuff!

After nap, Seth's class had a Halloween party. Yummy cupcakes!! Does anyone remember when Seth would not even touch cake? Now he loves it!!

Seth loves his friends!!! He can name all 14 of them. He's usually telling me who went to time out that day.

This is one of Seth's favorite friends "Ana". Seth had a great time at his first school party.