The real reason that I am posting this blog is becuase I am so tired of the Christmas theme. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It is my favorite and one of the most important holidays that I celebrate, but when it's over, I am ready to get the decorations down! So, I've decided to post a few of my favorite pictures from 2009. They are in no certain order (sorry, I didn't have time to think about that) but you can definately tell what, or who, our year was all about! I hope everyone has a very happy 2010. I know we will!

Playingin with bubbles on a nice summer day.

Seth has become a huge longhorn fan. He's still working on the hand motion, but he's got the "hook em horns" saying down.

Seth and 2 of his cousins at our family retreat over the summer.

We went to our favorite vacation spot 2 times this year...Galveston. This was taken at Moody Gardens.

Watching the fireworks on July 4th!

Another one of our favorite hangouts...Watters Creek. You could find us there almost every weekend this summer, listening to the band and having a picnic on the green.

This has to be my favorite picture of the year. My little beach bum.

Daddy's little helper.

A quick family picture on Shawn's birthday.

My favorite present ever!!! Seth turned 2 years old this year. I had very mixed emotions. I was happy that he is such a happy, healthy, energetic boy, but I hate to see him grow so fast.

I just love this picture of Seth and Daddy.

Seth's 2nd birthday party.

This is a great picture of Seth's true personality. He loves to laugh and be wild! He is so much fun!!!

This year, Seth was bull rider for Halloween. He is still loves to play "bull rider" in this outfit. He's the cutes bull rider (along with his daddy) that I've ever seen.

Seth found a new love for motorcycles this year. He loves everything about them, especially riding them. He even said "thank you for the momo" in his prayer the other night.

Seth thought this was soooo funny and mommy had to catch the gross moment on camera. Isn't this just like a boy to do?

Seth started his new school this year and loves it. These are a few of his favorite friends from class.

This was the first year that Seth understood to some extent Santa and presents. He is still asking when Santa is coming to bring him more candy. :)