We had a great quick weekend getaway to Huntsville. Shawn wanted to go to a rodeo close by so we got a hotel with an indoor pool so Seth could swim. We went to the rodeo Sat. night and swam on Sunday morning. Seth had a great time and was wonderful in the car there and back. Yea!!!

The water was a little cold at first but Seth loved it!

Seth and daddy. Seth clung to me at first but then when he found out how much more fun daddy was in the pool, he didn't want to leave him.

Seth loved the shower even more than the pool.

Splish Splash!

Seth went straight to the phone in our room and started "calling" people.

Watching the rodeo. He barely move from his seat the whole 3 hours. It was amazing! He loved the horses and bulls.

Eating at Dickies on the way home. Seth had a mouth full of food but never stopped dancing.

Daddy is so fun!

Seth is cool!
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