Little did we know that Saturday would be Seth's last day as an "only child". Seth had gone to spend the night with Mimi and Pop so daddy and I could have one last date night, but I was soooo incredibly tired (which I have not been the whole pregnancy) that we ended up laying on the bed watching football and sleeping. Around 7:45 I got up to do a few things and my water broke!! We have been very worried how Seth would react to having another child in the house, so we just attended a "sibling class" that morning at the hospital. Perfect timing!! Well, as you can tell from the pictures below, most of our worries are gone (for now). I know there will be times when I panic b/c Seth is too rough with Slade and we'll have to do lots of talking about baby vs big boy toys, but I know now that Seth is going to be the best big brother in the world!!!
My only question now is what to do with my blog name. I know I'm not very good about blogging and I don't promise to be any better (especially after I go back to work) but I would like to keep it, so I need suggestions for a new name!