I know that I'm going to sound like my mom here, but I can clearly remember 2 years ago when the nurse handed Seth to me. I felt like I could have held him forever and never put him down. He was so perfect with his pudgy little nose, pouty lips, and "highlighted" hair! Seth has made the last 2 years of our lives the best years that we have ever had. He is funny, crazy, wild, and sweet all at the same time. Every time he enters a new "stage", I claim it is my favorite. Sometimes I wish I could stop him from growing, but each day is a new joy with new smiles, hugs, laughter! I am so blessed to have such a precious son and I truely thank God for him everyday.

We started our birthday celebration last Saturday with an Elmo party!

Happy Birthday Seth!!!

I am so glad that we could set the bounce house up in our church gym. The kids loved it and I would have been up a creek (literally) without it.

Sweet Hannah. She is such a girly girl!

Seth's friend from church, T.J.

What a happy kid!

Go Savannah! Another girly girl. You should have seen her pretty princess shoes. She was so proud of them on Sat., but showed up to church on Sun. with huge blisters. You know what they say, "Beauty knows no pain!"

Seth got tons of great presents. Thanks everyone! Seth is having a blast riding his scooter, reading books, beating on drums, hitting balls, and a lot more!

Seth's cousin, Beau.

After school on Wed., Seth's real birthday, we headed to a Mickey D's that Shawna told us about. It had a really cute pirate theme.


Run Seth!!!

Seth loves tractors, so mommy and daddy got him a new remote controlled tractor.

The best present EVER!

On our way to school on Seth's birthday. Notice he has my iphone in his hand. He loves playing games on it. There are lots of really cool toddler games.

Yummy cupcake!!

Seth brought juice and cupcakes to share with his friends at school. Mommy even got to go out and take some pictures! I love him being at my school!

" What's this?"

"Yeah! The tractor I picked out at Toys r Us last night." :)
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