We got started on our Christmas decorating a little early this year. We actually got all the lights and decorations put up the day before Thanksgiving. It was so nice to come home the day after Thanksgiving and get to relax in a festive house.

Shawn did a great job again this year with the outside lights. This is not his favorite thing to do but I love it. What a great husband!

Seth loves the tree. He keeps pointing at the ornaments and saying "Mommy, these breakable". He hasn't broken any yet, but we still have a few more weeks to go.

Seth loves the tree in his room. It is decorate with fish, fishing poles, and tackle boxes.

After the first picture in front of the tree, Seth wanted to stand in front of all the trees to have his picture taken. I put always put 1 big tree and 2 small trees inside the house. I love having the Christmas lights on and all the other lights off at night.
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