We had a great time this week celebrating Christmas! We started with my family on Christmas Eve and a mexican dinner. Yum! Mimi and Pop spent the night so they could see what Santa brought Seth. It was so fun to see his reaction to the toys and the empty cookie plate. We headed to Shawn's family for lunch and then to Blane and Dakota's house the day after Christmas. Seth got to ride the tractor, horses, and play with his cousins. The next night when I was helping him say his prayers, he said "Jesus, Thank you tractor, thank you cows." It was so darn cute!!! Here are just a few pictures of our great week.

Merry Christmas!!

All the boys "waking Pop up". This is one of Seth's favorite games.

The kids table. Seth, Corbin and Gage.

Corbin and Gage helped Seth open his present from Mimi and Pop.

And here it is...his own chair with his name on it. They are watching the Nemo movie that Aunt Shawna got Seth.

Seth was not sure what to think when he saw the presents that Santa left.

His big present from Santa...a bike. He is already getting good at pedaling, but if the weather would cooperate, we could go outside and practice a litte more.

One of Seth's favorite toys from Santa...a shotgun. It makes a pretty realistic sound and he runs around the house looking for deer.

Santa also brought Seth horses, tractors, and a bull rider.

Seth does not look too suprised about Nana's present because he already tore off half of the wrapping paper a few weeks ago. Oh well, he was still excited about it.

Nana's present after some hard work putting it together by daddy.

Shawn took Seth sleding before the ice melted. Seth, being the dare devil he is, loved it!

Seth and his cousin Beau.

This was on the way home from Shawn's Grandma's house around 6:30. Seth did not have a nap and did not wake up until 7:30 the next morning!!! He had a great day!!
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